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Music Moves for Piano Blog
Monday, 2 October 2006
Those wonderful little "light bulb" moments!
Topic: Traditional Teaching
Don't you just love it, when you're teaching, and you get one of those "Light Bulb" moments from a student. I have this wonderful young lady that I've been teaching for a couple of years now. She recently completed her grade 1 RCM exam with First Class Honours, and is now working on grade 3. She struggles with fingering, always has, and, quite frankly, it has been hampering her ability. I've been nagging for SO long. In lessons, she'll get it, but come back the next week with the fingering all wrong again. I've been reading "The Practice Revolution" by Philip Johnston, and one thing really stuck out the other day. He talks about "Cutting wood with a spoon" - that is, using the wrong tools for th job. Tonight, it hit me: she has been using the wrong tools for the job during her practicing. And, then what happens is that her practice sessions aren't successful (because she can't play the passage properly, and it shows!), so she feels frustrated... which isn't the type of feeling that fosters a love of practicing! So, at this evening's lesson, we talked about ways of fixing fingering. That is, I gave her the tools she needs to fix the fingering at home (and wrote them down in her homework book!!) Here's the tools I gave her: - Identify the tricky spots and work out logical fingering (we're currently working on fingering rules)
- Play the offending passage HS, saying the fingering out loud.
- Play the passage without looking at your hands/fingers
- Play the passage in as many different octaves as possible!
- Play the pagges HT very slow with correct fingering
I also told her about the pitfalls of incorrect practicing, and how it actually creates more work if you learn a passage incorrectly. We worked through this process in one of her pieces, and she played it successfully. Then, we moved on to another piece. She was struggling with it a bit. While she was able to play the passage HT without stopping, it was a bit shakey at the end. I was about to show her how to fix it, and she grabbed my pencil out of my hand and said, "I know what I'm doing wrong!! If I put finger one HERE (and she wrote it in), then I'll have enough fingers to get down over HERE!" I have a feeling she will have a great week practicing!
Posted by creativekeys
at 6:56 PM
Seeing audiation at work.
Topic: Music Moves for Piano
This whole 'audiation' thing is really cool. It's only been a month, but I'm already beginning to see the benefits in my students. They are playing with such a strong rhythmic sense! My latest achievement was teaching "The Green Caterpillar", which I was a bit hesitant about. But, thanks to the wonderful advice Marilyn gave me, my students not only learned it, but played it SO successfully. They really grasped the whole triple meter thing so well. One thing I had my Prep book kids doing this week was playing all the groups of three black keys, chanting Du-da-di Du-da-di as they played. They did this going up and down the keyboard (or "this way" then "The other way"). I had to make sure that they weren't going to fast, otherwise it began to turn over into duple meter (that " one two threeeeee type playing that a lot of my traditional students have done in the past). That really helped them get the feel for triple meter (as did all the movement activities I did with them!!) The other "new" concept that I introduced this week to my Book 1 kids was articulation (separated and connected touch). In the past, this is something that was left at least until the second book of a method, when the child could already play some pretty nifty pieces. But, I think Marilyn is really on to something here. Teaching articulation right from the second lesson makes sense. Playing one or two keys separated or connected instead of trying to play a whole song that way. The students were able to experience how the two different articulations feel in a way that was easy and simple (thus allowing the student to feel successful right off the bat). I'll give you an idea of how it happened in my studio tonight... I talked to my students about the 'different touches' on the piano, and then performed two pieces (in my repertoire) with different articulation. (Note: I believe that it's really important for a teacher to play for her students on a regular basis... and not just easy stuff!! That 'meat and potatoes' repertoire that you worked on in college!!) So, first they heard a couple of good examples. Then, we did the activites in the student book, especially the one where they say "Go Go" with different articulation. Then, they practiced playing octaves in both of the touches. After that, we left behind the whole articulation thing, and moved on to learning their performance pieces. They both played "Indian Dance". After they played, I asked them, "Was that connected or separated?" One girl said, "I don't know", so I suggested that she play it again, and this time listen to herself. After she played, I asked her again, and she was better able to answer. Then, I asked her if she could play it the opposite way, and she did. She was SO excited that we were able to check off both styles of touch on the check list! Now, I bet that will be a student who goes home and tries out her new pieces right away! But, look what happened here: a student learned how different articulations sound, how they feel, and how to LISTEN for them in her own playing. She's making choices as she plays ("Should I play this separated or connected?") and taking these skills into her improvisations. I'm beginning to see that audiation isn't only about thinking skills... it's about being aware of the sound you make.
Posted by creativekeys
at 5:55 PM
Updated: Monday, 2 October 2006 6:53 PM
Friday, 29 September 2006
Homework assignments
Topic: Music Moves for Piano
I'm finding it quite easy to assign kids homework in MMP... I made a homework sheet that has the different things they're to do each week down the side, and a column for each day so that the students can check off their work as they do it. This is a generic sheet that I can use from week to week, and it's just a reminder for the students to practice their assignment, listen to the CDs and create at the keys. Then, I simply use a date stamp to indicate which pages in the lesson book are to be worked on. In the Preparatory and Keyboard Games books, where the contents are only the pieces to be played, I'm making weekly assignment sheets that have more specific details on them. Here's an example from my Friday 3:30 class (Preparatory Book): - Keyboard Technique: play all the groups of 3 blacks keys, one note at a time, using your middle finger. Rememer not to use 'pokey fingers'!! Chant "Du-da-di Du-da-di" as you play.
- Listening Assignment: Listen daily to tracks 1,2,3 and 4 on the CD.
- Review Pieces: Keep playing "The Woodpeckers" and "The Apple and the Worm", chanting the rhythm pattern as you play.
- The Green Caterpillar: Listen to the CD (#3). Chant "Du-da-di Du-da-di Read-y Play" before you start. Play with a relaxed arm drop, keeping your fingers together
- Creativity: Play the "Du-da-di Du-da-di" rhythm pattern on groups of 3 black keys, all over the piano. Try playing the rhythm pattern fast, then slow.
Posted by creativekeys
at 11:00 AM
Monday, 25 September 2006
Technique in "The Apple and the Worm"
My grade 1 prep book students did a fantastic job today. The were learning "The Apple and the Worm" this week. To prepare them for this, I had them play all the groups of two, using their middle finger, one note at a time. Some of the kids still need guidance about how to play a key ("No pokey fingers, please!"). Before doing this activity, we engaged in some body awareness activities, and focused on arm weight. I was pleased to see these kids using arm weight as they played the groups of two. I really like the notion of doing body awareness activities away from the keyboard. This prepares them for the feeling of good technique when they're at the keyboard. Even though I've only been teaching MM for less than a month now, I am beginning to see the benefits with my students. I can really see how, through using this approach, my MM students will develop a lovely technical ability.
Posted by creativekeys
at 1:10 PM
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Look what I can do, Mom!
My 10 year old son is in one of my MMP classes. Today, without being asked, he went down to the piano studio to practice. I didn't say anything, but quietly listened from the kitchen where I was making lunch. A few minutes into his practicing, he rushed upstairs and begged me to come and hear him. He played his new piece (Popcorn) for me, and proudly proclaimed, "Look! I can play it from memory. You always need your book in front of you to play, mom!" He played so confidently and with such pride. I just hope the rest of my students are experiencing the same thing. Learning to teach in a completely different way does take a bit more effort than plunking down the same-old-same-old method book on the music rack and mindlessly teaching. However, after today's experience with my son, I know that it's worth it!!
Posted by creativekeys
at 7:52 PM
Mixed Age Class - MMP
Topic: Music Moves for Piano
I have one class that's a bit of a mixed age class. Three boys, ages 5,6 and 7 (grades k, 1 and 2). Upon Marilyn's advice, I have started these boys in the Preparatory Book. Two of the boys are brothers and the third a friend, so they have a tendancy to get a bit silly. But, I'm firm with them, and don't put up with any nonesense. I was quite worried about working with such a mixed age class. Traditionally, I have only taught group classes that were rather homogenous in age groups. But, this class is working just fine. I think it's the fact that I'm using MMP!! I noticed this the other day with my 10 year old class, too. There aren't any cutesy pictures, that scream "Hey! This piano course is for little kids only!!" Guess what? The kids don't seem to mind that there aren't any teddy bears or dancing music notes or kitty cats on the page. There are no distractions, and the utter lack of (annoying, cutesy) illustrations means that I can use these materials with each and every age group. I asked a colleague if he had ever used MMP, and he responded, "No. I've looked at it, but as I don't teach very young kids, I don't use it." I'm discovering that these materials work with just about any age group! Oh, those 3 boys? By the end of their lesson this week, they had learned the first two pieces in the Prep. book. And, rather surprisingly, it was the youngest one who caught on the quickest!
Posted by creativekeys
at 7:38 PM
Updated: Sunday, 24 September 2006 5:17 PM
Friday, 22 September 2006
10 year old boys & MMP
Topic: Music Moves for Piano
Ok, I'll have to admit... I was a bit (just a teeny bit!) skeptical about using MMP with 10 year old boys. I can now lay all those fears aside. I've got one class with 2 ten-year old boys (one is my son). They had their first 'real' lesson today. (Didn't have books for them last week, so we played games). WOW!! By the end of the lesson today, not only had they played 'Popcorn' really well, but they were both able to play the student duet. They each took a turn playing the student duet while the other played the melody. I'm quite impressed. And the other thing that struck me as wonderful: so many times in the past, my beginners played SO slow. Everything was at a snail's pace. I can see, now, that slow pace was due to the fact that they were trying to process way too much information. Today, these two boys played Popcorn with such a lovely tempo, and with confidence! Can't wait to see what happens next week. As they both have the Pattern CD to listen to at home, they're getting a really good head start at more complex rhythm patterns.
Posted by creativekeys
at 1:54 PM
Music Moves for Piano- Keyboard Games A
Topic: Music Moves for Piano
Finally, after 3 weeks of waiting, the MMP books arrived. I was SO glad that I wouldn't have to teach without books anymore. I was especially excited to finally see the Keyboard Games A & B book. Marilyn (Lowe, creator of MMP) has done a fantastic job with these two new books. She's added a lot more of (what I call) traditional kids songs (Old MacDonald, Row Row Your Boat... that type of stuff) where kids play an ostinato rhythm pattern, and the teacher plays the melody. I had my kindergarten class this afternoon. All of the kids did a great job. Last week, they had a bit of a hard time listening and paying attention, but they were much better today. Something really surprised me, though, today. One of the students was having a slightly harder time paying attention and doing what was asked of him. I didn't think he had learned anything I had taught that day, until near the end of class, when it came time to play "The Woodpecker". He played it perfectly! Even though it appeared that he wasn't paying attention, I guess he really was.
Posted by creativekeys
at 10:42 AM
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:48 AM
Thursday, 21 September 2006
Interviewing new students
Topic: The Business of Teaching
Last night, I interviewed two new families that are interested in studying at my studio. Both of the kids have never had lessons before. I thought I'd try something new this time. The whole interview process has never been something I've given much thought to, and I wanted to change that. Enter the Music Matters Blog http://www.musicmattersblog.com On there, Natalie (the site's creator) has some great resources, including an Interview/Evaluation Form for new students (both beginners and transfers). These forms made my job easier, they made me look more professional, and they really helped give me a good idea of what the student (and parents) were like. Both students signed up for lessons!
Posted by creativekeys
at 9:37 AM
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:49 AM
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Music Moves moving into my other teaching
Yesterday, I taught mostly private (Traditional) students. Two of the kids whom I taught are both 6 years old. One is using Celebrate Piano, and is almost done the book. The other little guy has just started lessons with me, and we're using HLSPL. Both of these kids are struggling with the technical aspects of playing. So, I borrowed the 'Body Awareness' ideas from the MMP Lesson Plans book. At each of the kids' lesson, I had them stand up in the middle of the room, and go through some body awareness. It struck me as odd, that in 16 years of teaching piano, this is the first time I've ever done activities like this, away from the bench. It makes perfect sense to do this, so why didn't I do it before? As piano teachers, I think sometimes we get caught up in the "must teach child to read notes" frenzy, and forget about technique. Perhaps the thinking is, "Oh, I'll teach technique when they start learning scales for their exams". I think that's too late. I'm beginning to see that, before the student ever plays their first song, they should receive instruction on the physical gestures needed to play. Some resources I'm finding helpful in this area: - F&F Piano Adventures Technique and Artistry Books
- HLSPL Technique Books
- Those wonderful little videos of Nancy Faber teaching on the Faber website!
- And, of course, the Music Moves for Piano material.
Think about this: how can you expect a child to play with "your wrists up, please" if they're not sure how to move their wrists! Try this today with a student: Have them stand in the middle of the room. Ask them to raise their arms from their shoulders, keeping their arms-elbows-forearms-wrists as one unit, all straight from shoulders to finger tips. Make sure their arms are really straight. Then, have them raise their hands up from their wrists (so you can see their palms), and then put their hands down from the wrists (so fingertips are pointing to the floor) Repeat a couple of times.
Posted by creativekeys
at 4:54 AM
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