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Music Moves for Piano Blog
Monday, 19 February 2007
Monday night.
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Music Moves for Piano

I'm really starting to get the hang of teaching MMP. It's a lot easier now, compared to back in September when I first started. I'm feeling more comfortable with the lesson plans, and feel like it's me teaching, not me following a lesson plan! At first, it was really akward and weird. I had no idea what I was doing, and I was positive my students could see that. But now, I really have the whole "flow" of a lesson down pat (well, at least more than I did a few months ago!)

It used to be that I would struggle to get through an entire lesson plan. While that's still true from time to time (if a class is rather unfocsed, for instance), I'm much better at pacing myself. After a few months of teaching this way, it is really beginning to feel natural.

It's nice to see the kids progressing, too. More so than ever before, I'm hearing reports from parents about children spontaneously going to the piano and practicing! I think that's because music is enjoyable for these kids, it's not a chore to practice. Reminds me of a saying that I used to put on my advertising copy "We make practicing a choice, not a chore!" I know from my own personal experience that the kids will go down to the piano and play a favourite piece, and then experiment with it. My 6 year old son, Spencer, LOVES the song "Chocolate Chip Cookies", and can't walk past a piano without playing it!

I'm really beginning to see the purpose behind all of the activities in the lesson plans, too. At first, I just did everything in the lesson plan because it was there, and I felt that I was "supposed" to do it. Now, I understand why we have children do the movement activites. I understand the importance of having children improvise. I LOVE the keyboard technique/geography part of class, and so do all my students!

Can't wait to teach Book 2!!!

Posted by creativekeys at 7:12 PM

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