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Music Moves for Piano Blog
Thursday, 1 February 2007
Blatant Brag :o)
Mood:  special
Topic: Music Moves for Piano

Ok, this is just an outright brag session about my 10 year old son Daniel. He came home from Cub Scouts last night, and said, "Oh no! I haven't practiced piano since monday!". Well, for starters, not having to remind my kid to practice feels good.

So, while I go help my other two sons get ready for bed, Daniel goes downstairs and starts to practice the I-V-I cadence in G (from Unit 10 Bk 1). He played that thing until he could do it with his eyes closed. I could hear him playing and singing "Do Mi So" etc, then he'd make a mistake, and try again. It was so cool.

I went down to the studio to check on him, and he was improvising with triple meter, so I showed him how to use the notes of the G major triad to improvise. Back upstairs to break up a fight between his brothers, and I could hear him playing and chanting, and having a blast.

I'll admit to basically bribing my son into piano lessons. He really REALLY wants to learn how to play the cello. I told him that he had to give me at least 2 years of piano lessons before I'd even consider the cello. (And, piano lessons are free, don't need to buy and instrument!) So far, so good. I think his experiences with MM will really help him when he does eventually start cello.

I can totally forsee the following question: "Mommy, why isn't there a Music Moves for Cello?"


Posted by creativekeys at 7:17 AM

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